Unterstützte Formate

.Image Converter Plus unterstützt eine große Anzahl von Dateitypen. Im Windows-Betriebssystem wird die Art der Datei normalerweise durch eine aus drei Buchstaben bestehende Ergänzung angezeigt.

In dieser Liste finden Sie die von ImageConverter Plus unterstützten Formate

Hier finden Sie die gleichen unterstützten Formate nach ihrem Namen geordnet

Adobe Digital Negative dng
Adobe Encapsulated PostScript eps, epi, ps, ai
Adobe Photoshop Document psd, pdd
Adobe Portable Document Format pdf
Aldus Placeable metafiles apm
Alias Wavefront PIX pix
Amiga Interchange File iff, lbm
AT&T Multigen ICN icn
Biorad confocal image pic
CALS type 1 and type 2 cal, cals
Canon photo RAW CRW crw
Canon photo RAW CR2 cr2
Cineon Image File Format dpx
Compuserve RLE rle
Creo photo RAW mos
DCX - Multipaged PCX dcx
Dicom Medical Image dcm, dicom, dic, acr
Direct Draw Surface dds
Dr. Halo cut
Enhanced Metafiles emf
FlashPix Format fpx, mix
FUJI photo RAW raf
GEM Raster Image gem, img
Graphics Interchange Format gif
Group3 1D Fax File g3
Group4 Fax File g4
HDRI Radiance hdr, rgbe, xyze
ICA Image Object Content Architecture Format ica, mda, psg
JPEG Network Graphic jng
Joint Belevel Image Expert Group jbg, jbig
Joint Belevel Image Expert Group 2 jb2
Joint Photographic Experts Group jpeg, jpg, jpe, jfif, htm
Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 jp2, jpc, j2k, jpx, j2c
KOALA Paint koa
Kodak Photo CD pcd
Kodak photo RAW k25, kdc, dcr
Logitech Fotoman Pixtura pxn
MacDraw mac
Macintosh picture pict, pct, pic
Mamiya photo RAW mef
Microsoft Access snapshot file snp
Microsoft Paint msp
Minolta photo RAW mrw
MS Windows Animated Cursor ani
MS Windows Bitmap (with RLE) bmp, vga, rl4, rl8, sys, bmp, dib, rle
MS Windows Cursor cur
MS Windows DIB dib
MS Windows Icon and Vista Icon ico
MTV Raytracer mtv
Multiple Network Graphic mng
NEC PowerVR texture pvr
Nikon photo RAW nef
Olympus photo RAW orf
Open EXR exr
OS/2 Bitmap Array bmp,bga
OTA Nokia Logo Bitmap otb, gsm
Paint Shop Pro File Format psp
Pentax photo RAW pef
Palm Pilot Image File pdb
Panasonic RAW raw
PhaseOne photo RAW tiff, tif
Pixar Picture pxr
Portable Network Graphics png
Portable Bitmap pbm, pnm
Portable Graymap pgm, pnm
Portable Pixelmap ppm, pnm
Portable Anymap (PNM) pbm, pgm, ppm, pnm
Portable Anymap (PAM) pam
Portable Floatmap pfm
Preliminary BigTIFF tif, tiff, btf, tf8
Psion series 3 bitmap pic
RAW raw
Samsung photo RAW tiff, tif, pef
Scitex CT ch, ct, sct
Softimage PIC pic
Structure Fax Format sff
Silicon Graphics Image sgi, rgb
Softimage PIC pic
Sony RAW File arw, srf, sr2
SUN Raster File sun, ras
Tag Image File Format (all types, revisions and so on) tif, tiff
Truevision Targa tga, vst, vda, icb, tpic
Utah RLE raster rle
VICAR Video Image Communication and Retrieval vic, vicar, img
Wavefront RLA rla
Webshots Image, Collections and Downloaded wb1, wbc, wbz
Windows Clipboard clp
Windows GDI+ dual metafile emf
Windows GDI+ metafile emf
Windows metafiles wmf
Symantec WinFax Format fxm, fxr, fxs, fxd
Wireless Bitmap (Level 0) wbm, wbmp
Word Perfect Graphic wpg
XWD X Windows system window dump xwd, x11
X11 Bitmap xbm
X11 Pixmap xpm
ZSoft Paintbrush PCX pcx, pcc